Tony Dickinson - Bass Guitar


Tony Dickinson is the bassist on Invisible Signs. Both Mike and engineer Jimmy T. noticed his impeccable playing, engineering and organizational skills after he submitted his bass tracks. Tony learned and recorded his parts in more like a matter of hours and not days. Tony's conversions of Mike’s vitual bass to real bass was the right move. The bass parts came to life.

Said Mike, “the bass playing and sound is a priority for me given my personal views on album production. If my stomach doesn’t feel bass when I listen to music, it doesn’t move me.  My demos used three bass sounds to give the most “feeling” possible. I didn’t want to subject Tony to matching every note I wrote. Firstly, I do not play bass and in no way can simulate what a true bassist can produce. In addition to that, Tony found every single, midi note that wasn’t correct, or a good choice for his instrument. Secondly, I know what it feels like to be imprisoned at times by restrictions when I track drums and I wanted to make sure that working with me was fun for him by making sure there was breathing room.

If you (reading this) could’ve been a fly on the wall when Jimmy T. and I spoke after receiving Tony’s tracks, you’d know that this guy is as top level as anyone alive with playing AND recording skills."

Tony’s main gig is playing bass with the Trans Siberian Orchestra. The means that he performs two sold out arena shows per day in one of the highest grossing touring acts ever. He is also a superior guitarist, engineer, producer and live performer.

He was suggested to Mike by TSO West Band Singer, Dino Jelusick, who certainly knew how great Tony is. Here he is with TSO East:

Although it is a sure bet that Tony’s playing will leave you speachless knowing how quickly he learned, recorded these tracks, you can familiarize yourself with him from his many social media pages listed in the ‘quick links’ above. 


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